
If you're experiencing pain radiating from the buttocks or back down to the thighs, you may be dealing with sciatica. Untreated sciatica can significantly impact your daily activities. This guide aims to provide insights into sciatica and how chiropractic treatment in Asheville can help you overcome it.

Sciatica in Asheville

Sciatica, also known as sciatic neuralgia, manifests as pain extending from the back down to the leg and foot. It can hinder standing and prolonged sitting, accompanied by tingling and numbness in the foot. Sciatic pain often fluctuates in intensity throughout an individual's life, leading to periods of discomfort. Without proper attention, sciatic pain may worsen, potentially causing permanent nerve damage.

The extensive reach of pain in the body results from the compression of the sciatic nerve. As the longest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar spine, extends into the buttocks, and travels down the leg and foot. Compression of the lower back vertebrae can pinch and irritate the roots of the sciatic nerve, leading to pain and injury.

How Does Sciatica Develop?

Various factors contribute to the development of sciatica, with disk injuries and protrusions being common triggers. Sciatica can also occur due to subluxations (misalignments) in the spine caused by postural issues, repetitive use injuries, pregnancy, or trauma. Some may recall bending over to pick up an object and experiencing sudden, intense pain. However, the spinal condition likely developed over time, and the triggering incident merely brought symptoms to the forefront.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Chiropractors in Asheville are skilled at identifying the root cause of sciatica and collaborating with patients to determine an appropriate treatment plan. After thoroughly assessing the unique condition, gentle adjustments are made to help the body regain its normal alignment. Response to treatment varies among individuals, with some experiencing quick improvements and others requiring a more extended recovery period. The recovery duration depends on the condition of the discs and joints that the chiropractor needs to address. Fortunately, correcting the issue typically takes less time than it took for it to develop. Patients often report overall health improvements once the spine and discs are realigned.

Call (828) 253-5844 now to schedule a chiropractic adjustment in Asheville for sciatica!

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