Neck Pain

Neck pain can turn even the simplest movements into excruciating challenges, leading to muscle weakness and degeneration over time. Identifying the underlying cause of neck pain is crucial for effective treatment and recovery.

Neck Pain in Asheville

Despite its relatively small size, the neck comprises complex structures essential for supporting the head. The small vertebrae in the neck provide mobility and make the area susceptible to injury and pain. Causes of neck pain include poor posture, joint issues, bone structure abnormalities, muscle strains, and trauma such as whiplash. These problems often stem from or are directly influenced by the spine's alignment. When neck muscles go into spasm, the spine can be pulled out of alignment, impacting the entire nervous system as each nerve in the body originates from the spinal column.

Some individuals delay addressing their spinal issues, hoping the pain will resolve on its own. While this may happen in some cases, the underlying misalignment typically persists. Over time, the area can become aggravated, leading to the resurgence of pain. If left uncorrected, the condition may progress to the point where surgery becomes the only viable option.

Conventional vs. Holistic Treatments for Neck Pain in Asheville

Many people turn to prescription or over-the-counter drugs to manage neck pain, providing short-term symptom relief but leaving the underlying problem unaddressed. While massage therapy can alleviate muscle stiffness, it may not resolve issues originating in the joints or bones.

Chiropractic therapy, a holistic approach, targets the structural origins of most neck pain. We craft a personalized recovery plan following a thorough chiropractic evaluation to rule out other issues and pinpoint the cause. Gentle adjustments to the spine can offer immediate relief and restore long-term well-being to the neck and the entire body.

Call (828) 253-5844 now to schedule a chiropractic adjustment in Asheville for neck pain!

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